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Abandoned and Barely Surviving—A Fight for Life

The English mastiff, with its rugged body, broad ѕkᴜɩɩ, and square һeаd, can weigh up to 250 pounds. So you don’t need a picture to see that…

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Trapped and Alone—Is Anyone Out There?

It’s hard to accept that aпyoпe сап Ƅe so heartless aпd aƄaпdoп sick puppies without feeliпg the slightest tiпge of regret. Aпd yet sadly, it has Ƅecome…

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Brave Dog Saves Its Owner in a Life-Changing Moment

On a chilly morning, a passerby noticed a small bundle of fur lying on the side of a desolate road, motionless and seemingly abandoned. The tiny  puppy’s frail…

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Spooky Paws Parade: A Halloween Celebration for Dachshunds

In a special Halloween episode, Crusoe, Oakley, and Daphne, three charming dogs, don their best costumes to go trick-or-treating in their neighborhood. They soon discover that most…

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What This Man Discovers Leaves Everyone in Shock

Cooper, un cachorro adorable, solo quería ser amado, pero fue abandonado y maltratado por personas crueles. Sintiendo dolor y soledad, vagaba por las calles en busca de…

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Honoring a Wounded Veteran’s Strength and Sacrifice

  The puppy had done so a lot for him, so it made sense that the dog took part in the biggest day of his life.  …

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When the Family Dog Joins In, Everything Changes

Bentley Madsen was the couple’s first child. Bentley, who joined their family in 2017, was a four-legged companion, not a human infant. But because to the Washington,…

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Man Sees Familiar Dog and Makes a Shocking Discovery

Over the years, I had been thinking about one particular thing that echoed loudly within my inner animal rescuer: what makes a dog shut down in a…

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Rescuers Heartbroken After Finding Puppies Dumped Outside Shelter

Every day, we can hear warnings from various organizations about how animals are increasingly endangered and how shelters are fuller. Despite this, many cold-hearted people continue to…

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Dog Who Came to the Shelter as a Puppy Is Still Waiting for a Home

Monty and his brother, Phoenix, were surrendered to animal control when they were just four-and-a-half-week-old puppies. Kathleen C. Cailloux Humane Society of Kerrville (KCHS), a shelter in…

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