Dog Paralyzed With Fear Lies Under a Car, Refusing to Move

If abandoned dogs could talk, I bet we would hear many heartbreaking tales.

Some would probably raise their voices against the inhumane acts of cruelty committed by their owners. Others would openly weep about the harsh conditions they were forced to endure. 

And some, despite their ability to speak, would still sit in silence, too scared and traumatized to say anything.

I know for a fact that Paris would be in the third group.

This sweet, adorable Pittie was just too heartbroken to find her voice. She lay silently under a random car, struggling to understand why her beloved owner had let her down.

It’s All Gonna Be Okay

dog hiding

Two women, Krissie and Ashley, spotted Paris, who was completely frozen under a car next to their work. They immediately rushed to her aid, but were afraid that she might lash out at them in fear.

Minutes later, they texted LA Animal Rescue, hoping for help.

“We have a dog on our work property that may have been dumped. I’m hoping you can help me with this before security calls animal control,” Krissie wrote in a text.

dog lying under a car

It didn’t take long for the LA team to respond. They collaborated with Eldad from Hope For Paws, who arrived on the scene within hours.

“Eldad jumped in the car to go get her. We knew nothing about them, no idea on health, temperament, gender, possible chip, nothing other than a dog was dumped and hiding under a car. But we said we would take her,” LA Animal Rescue wrote in an Instagram post.

After learning that Paris had spent the entire day immobile under a car, Eldad decided to take things slowly. He offered this sweet pup some delicious treats and spoke to her with kind words.

To everyone’s shock, Paris soon came around. She didn’t bark, growl or try to escape. For some reason, she trusted Eldad, and soon allowed him to put a leash on her.

hand trying to pet a dog

Krissie and Ashley couldn’t have been happier. They knew that if Eldad hadn’t shown up, Paris would likely have been taken to an overcrowded shelter by animal control, where she would face uncertainties – perhaps even possible euthanasia. 

This way, she was on the path to a fresh start – with the people who gave everything to find her a nice place to be.

After receiving a nice bath and complete vet treatment, Paris was on her way to a new life in a foster home!

“Only Good Things From Now On”

dog looking at the camera

Thanks to this Californian rescue, Paris replaced a cold, dark spot under a car with a spacious yard in her new foster mom’s home.

Tania, a long-time volunteer at LA Animal Rescue, embraced her with an open heart. Needless to say, Paris reciprocated, feeling happier than ever!

“We don’t think she was living anything close to a nice life before being rescued. She wasn’t angry, she was just sad. But she is definitely getting that sparkle back! Only good things from now on Paris,” LA Animal Rescue wrote on Instagram.

photo of rescued dog

From now on, nothing will wipe the sweet smile off her face. Paris finally feels safe and at home, far away from the dangers of street life. 

What was once a life of abandonment is now a life full of opportunities, and most importantly, love. Tania and her rescuers will make sure she gets a wonderful life until her forever family shows up.

dog on a leash

She’s already showing excellent progress and her true personality. Paris is a happy-go-lucky, sweet, and loving dog who appreciates every single moment spent with people. She loves belly rubs, all sorts of dog games, and outings with her foster mom.

If I can say one thing with certainty, it’s that Paris will be an amazing addition to her new family. And I really hope that happens as soon as possible!

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Source: The Wall Street Journal

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