Severely Matted Dog Who Lived On The Streets Just Wanted Help But Was Too Scared To Ask For It
It’s just awful thinking what stray dogs have to go through in their life. Just recently, I saw a pup who looked like he was injured, but…
Scared And Abandoned Dog Did Not Let Her Rescuers Help But They Did Not Give Up On Her
There is something so profoundly sad about seeing a scared dog on the streets running at the very sight of other people. Just who could have damaged…
Clever Dog Led His Rescuers To An Abandoned Building And Then Something Amazing Happened
One of the great things about dogs is their pack mentality and the ability to adapt to change by forming groups where they work together toward something….
Kind Rescuer Tried To Help This Sweet Dog Enter The House But He Was Just Too Scared
When she arrived at work that morning, little did Kristin Erwin know that she would receive a very surprising visit. She was going about her day until…
Scared Puppy With A Broken Paw Hid In A Truck Yard, Crying With Pain Until Good Humans Helped Him
A desperate puppy was doing his best to survive the harsh conditions of street life. With his broken paw, the brave boi limped around a truck yard…
Injured Pup Would Not Stop Following This Woman Because She Was Desperate For Help
One night, while on vacation, Emma was taking a walk with her friends when they met an adorable dog near a highway. The pooch started walking behind…
Rescuers Saw Something Move In A Green Box Near A Tree So They Went To Investigate
Rescuers with big hearts are always ready to go on another mission in order to save helpless animals in need. It was the same this time when…
Woman Noticed A Frightened Pup Near A Busy Freeway And Rushed To Rescue Her
As soon as the rescuers at Frankie Lola and Friends, a rescue in Los Angeles, California, were informed that there was a scared dog on the side…
Woman Noticed Something Furry In A Trash Pile And Was Shocked By Her Discovery
For Donna Lochmann, a chief life-saving officer in Missouri, saving animals in need is not only a job – it’s a mission. One day, seven years ago,…
Shelter Staff Was Shocked That Owners Surrendered Dog Because ‘She Couldn’t Cope With Their New Baby’
For the last three years, Ally enjoyed her life like a true princess. With her other two doggo siblings, Frank and Jim, she had everything she could…