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Stray Dog Who’d Seen Better Days Found Drinking From A Street Gutter

Animal Aid Unlimited came across a dog who was dying from an extreme case of mange. The poor thing didn’t even look like a dog from certain angles….

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Partially Blind and Emaciated Dog Abandoned for the Second Time Finds a Happy Ending

A few months ago, a rescue found a dog in a heartbreaking state: after being abandoned, the dog was skeletally thin and huddling under leaves for warmth….

Curious Dog Gets Stuck After Crawling Into HVAC System

This curious dog named Cooper has explored just about every nook and cranny of the home he shares with his family in Colorado. But he recently discovered…

Fluffy Giant Dog Visits Animal Shelter Daily, Making a Big Impact

The average dog’s favorite place to visit is usually the dog park or the beach. But Josh, a goldendoodle from Arizona, isn’t an average dog. Back in…

Grumpy Dog Finds an Unexpected Friend in a Park Squirrel

Martha was the dog nobody wanted, the one brought out to make other dogs look good at Boxer Rescue Los Angeles. And in 2015, after more than…

Woman Discovers a Touching New Purpose for Her Late Dog’s Favorite Bed

One day, back in 2012, Kristina Rucker’s life changed forever. It all began when she decided to adopt Patches — a 7-year-old shelter dog who needed a…

Drone Captures Emotional Reunion as Lost Dog Hears Her Dad’s Voice Again

Chad Tavernia has become an expert at finding lost pets through his company North Country Drone Search & Recovery. There’s nothing more rewarding than reuniting furry family…

Frostbitten Puppies Left in Freezing Cold Seek Shelter Under Porch

Last week, a cold snap in Cokato, Minnesota, brought frigid weather to the city. As temperatures dropped to minus 25 degrees Fahrenheit, Cokato homeowners noticed two puppies…

Rescuer Spots Movement in Trash and Finds 3 Puppies Cuddled Together

They say one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. When it comes to the puppies found huddled together in a garbage pile in rural Missouri, that adage…

Cops Rush To Help ‘Trapped’ Dog But Uncover The Real Situation

Last month, a call came in at The Village Police Department in Oklahoma about a local dog who’d apparently gotten herself into a bit of trouble. According to the…

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