11 Abandoned Puppies Find Hope Thanks to a Kind Stranger

It is not a surprise to find an abandoned dog on the street, left to fend for itself. Those who should care for these helpless furry creatures absolutely lost all of their empathy, which is very sad. 

However, there are still kind souls who are ready to postpone all of their obligations when they find an abandoned animal fighting to survive on its own in the cruel streets.

It was exactly like that this time when one Good Samaritan came upon an abandoned crate at an intersection in Shawnee, Kansas. This man was heartbroken when he realized that there were 11 puppies inside. 

He didn’t ignore them like most people would probably do, but immediately went into action to save them. 

Taking Care Of The Little Ones

black dogs peeking out of the cage

This good man called Great Plains SPCA (GPSPCA) for help. The rescuers were delighted by his action because it was done at the last moment. 

“It is a fairly busy road, and they were rescued right before we got a massive downpour of rain in our area,” Victoria Roland-Vaughn, GPSPCA’s social media coordinator, told The Dodo. “They had nothing to protect them from the elements. No food or water …”

As soon as the little ones came to their shelter, located in Merriam, Kansas, the employees started taking care of them. However, since these puppies were very vulnerable, and since there were many sick dogs in the shelter, they had to properly protect them from any illness. 

the dogs sleep on newspapers in the box

That’s why these people decided to place them in a shared kennel far away from any sick animals. After they did that, the puppies finally felt safe and they fell asleep in no time. 

While the little ones were resting, these big-hearted people were fighting for their future.

A Big-Hearted Community

three cute dogs are lying on a torn newspaper and looking at the camera

Since the puppies couldn’t stay at the shelter for a long time because of parvovirus, the employees immediately went into action in order to find people who could continue to take care of them. 

That is why they wrote a Facebook post in which they emphasized the seriousness of the situation. 

“🚨 BREAKING 🚨 11 puppies dumped in a crate on the side of the road less than an hour ago,” they wrote. “All of these pups are filthy, exhausted from their ordeal, and immediately fell asleep once they realized they were safe.”

Given their previous experiences with a community, the shelter employees knew that a certain number of people would volunteer to receive some of these pups. And, so it was, considering that six puppies immediately found foster homes.

There were five of them left, and they begged every visitor to the shelter to take them to a warm home. 

two dogs are looking at the camera

This did not go unnoticed by the good people, so these remaining puppies soon left the kennel as well. The shelter staff were over the moon because of this development. 

“Our community stepped up in a massive way,” Victoria said, emphasizing that there are still people with great hearts out there. 

Bright Future Ahead Of Them

a playful dog on a wooden terrace

Eleven puppies finally got the chance to be in a foster home and they will stay there for the next three weeks until they are ready for adoption. The great news is that these amazing furry babies are already thriving in their foster homes. 

“Now that these pups are in foster care, they are blossoming into the happiest puppies you’ve ever seen,” Victoria said. “You would never know that they went through a terrifying few hours from how playful and loving they all are.”

It is certain that a bright future is ahead of them, and it is only a matter of time when they will start their new lives in forever homes. 

three dogs are lying next to each other on the laminate

In the end, it has to be emphasized that this happy ending would not have happened if it were not for the Good Samaritan from the beginning of the story, as well as all the other big-hearted people who contributed to the rescue of these innocent creatures.

You good people give us all hope for a better world, and thank you for that!

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Source: New York Post

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